Validating Your Dissertation: A Series of Thank You's

A dissertation acknowledgements section is a paragraph or two in which you thank people who have helped you along on your dissertation journey. Many dissertation writers forget to include this section, but it is an essential aspect of dissertation writing that cannot be ignored.

You probably wouldn't think twice about thanking the people who helped make your undergraduate degree possible by including an acknowledgements section in your dissertation. Still, you should also have one for people who help make your dissertation experience possible.

The dissertation acknowledgements section is essential because it shows that you appreciate your assistance throughout the dissertation process. You may be thanking your committee members, friends or family members, dissertation consultants, data managers, dissertation editors, dissertation formatting services, dissertation proposal writers, dissertation research assistants, dissertation revising services, dissertation topic consultants, dissertation writing tutors or dissertation writers at ....................... No matter who you are thanking in your dissertation acknowledgements section, it is always a good idea to be gracious and grateful for their help.

Your dissertation acknowledgments section should follow the same dissertation formatting guidelines as your dissertation. It is an acceptable dissertation writing practice to thank people in a similar dissertation acknowledgments section format to the dissertation abstract and dissertation dedication.

No matter who you are thanking, keep your dissertation acknowledgments short but sweet. You want to thank people for their help without sounding boastful or arrogant (even if you feel like boasting a little bit).

One way dissertation writers choose to leave their dissertation acknowledgments section is with this dissertation acknowledgment sample:

I want to thank my dissertation committee for all of their help throughout the dissertation process. I've enjoyed working with each of them, and I appreciate all of the time they have spent helping me complete this dissertation.

I would also like to thank my friends and family members who have supported this dissertation writing process. I am lucky to know each of you, and I appreciate all that you've done for me during my dissertation journey.

Finally, I would like to thank for offering dissertation assistance online. I am lucky to have received your support, and if it weren't for, I would not have been able to complete my dissertation successfully.
