The Literary Analysis Essay: Can You Make It More Interesting?

 In literary analysis essays, you are tasked with reading a literary work and analyzing it from your own perspective. This can be a daunting task for many students since they have to analyze the literary work from their own point of view. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to make a literary analysis essay more interesting by adding various literary elements that will draw readers in and keep them on the edge of their seats!

By writing an essay about the symbolism in "The Lottery" that focuses on what Jackson is trying to say through her literary devices, for example, rather than just explaining them, you can make your analysis of the story more interesting. When you go beyond describing how Jackson uses symbols like stones and black boxes to represent the town's evil and how the lottery means life, you can start to discuss why she uses these symbols. You can state that Jackson wrote "The Lottery" in response to the aftermath of WWII when Americans were unwilling to think about the disturbing events going on behind closed doors in Europe.

There are plenty of other ways to make your literary analysis essay more interesting besides focusing on the symbols. You can focus on Jackson's style's effect in "The Lottery" or how their actions portray the characters. You can also focus on how Jackson's style is different from that of other authors at the time. Check out Literary Elements Literary Analysis Writing Service for more Literary analysis essay samples.

What do you think? If you want to write an interesting literary analysis essay, I recommend writing about something besides just the symbols. Literary analysis essays are not about describing the characters or what happens in a work of literature; they discuss the effect of those events on the reader. For example, you can state that Jackson wrote "The Lottery" with an ambiguous ending because she wanted her readers to wonder what would happen next, just as the villagers did when they gathered for another lottery the following month.

Do you agree with this Literary Analysis essay writer's opinion? If not, why do you think it doesn't work to describe the symbols in "The Lottery" rather than discuss their effect on the reader? What can Literary analysis essays be about that is more interesting than just describing characters?

Are you writing a literary analysis essay? Look no further! Check out this excellent Literary Analysis Essay Writing Service.
