Research Methods: Research and Strategies

 A research method is a process that you follow to find information. Research methods are not one-time events. They're an ongoing part of your life as a researcher.

To create a logical plan for your project, you need to decide which research methods best meet the needs of your project. Are you looking for research? Are you interested in doing an observational study of others' research? Do you want to conduct a survey?

Decide which research method is the best fit for your project. 

[Now that you've decided on a research method, it's time to choose a topic.]

[Include information about how topics should be narrowed]

Finally, you have to select a research design. The study's design helps researchers determine the order in which they will collect information and how they will analyze their data. A good research design considers what is most important about the study: internal validity, reliability etc.

Now that you've chosen your approach, it's time to conduct a literature review. A good lit review is the foundation of your entire project, so you have to make sure that you're thorough and accurate! Once your lit review is complete, it's time for data collection. After collecting information, you'll want to analyze it. The final step is writing up a research report or dissertation.

To begin with, you must choose between qualitative and quantitative research strategies.

Next, you have to do preliminary research before identifying the best approach for a study. Then, it's time to choose an appropriate topic and design for your project. Once you've done all of that, you can collect (and analyze) information. Finally, write up the results of your research in the form of an abstract or dissertation/report.

Once you know how to conduct proper research, you can continue your education by learning about different research methods. For example, you can look into experimental research and correlational research and long-term and short-term longitudinal studies.

Even though you have to follow a specific process, every research project is unique. You'll have to adjust your plan as necessary, depending on the feasibility of your ideas.

Every research method has different advantages and disadvantages. Not all studies are appropriate for every research question, so you'll need to consider that when choosing your approach.

Finally, it's important to note that there are specific challenges inherent in conducting research. For example, people often have trouble being open about their personal lives and disclosing personal information to researchers. Researchers must also consider issues of access and ethics as part of their study designs.

Even though every research project is different, there are some common steps that you can follow. These include: choosing between qualitative and quantitative strategies, deciding on a topic and design, conducting a literature review, collecting data, analyzing that data, and writing up a report or dissertation.

Procedure: Dissertation methodology is the foundation of every dissertation project. Dissertations are scholarly statements that researchers must prove with facts, figures, and data. To do this, researchers have to conduct proper research using a specific process. That process has several steps that researchers will need to follow to be successful. Dissertation methodology includes:

  • Choosing an approach.

  • Selecting a topic and design.

  • Conducting a lit review.

  • Collecting information.

  • Analyzing information.

  • Writing the results into an abstract or report.

Dissertations are reports that academic faculty members use to decide whether or not to grant students degrees like PhDs and Masters of Science.
