Literary Analysis Essays: A Complete Writing Guide for College Students

Do you write literary analysis essays for your college English class? If so, this blog post is for you. I will discuss how to write a literary analysis essay and provide advice on what to write about when it comes time to analyze the text. 

In reading this blog post, I hope that you will learn how to write an effective academic essay to get the best grade possible in your next English class!

Be sure to have a thesis statement that begins your analysis. Your thesis statement will explain what you are going for in the literary analysis and should be included at the beginning of your paper, so it's clear from the start! Make sure to write evidence as you read through your assigned text to support your thesis. 

The body of the essay will be where you write more about what you read and reference specific parts within the text that help to strengthen your argument in favour of or against it. Use quotes, paraphrases, etc., from the original work to make a strong case for why readers should agree with your opinion of the text. 

As with any essay, write a conclusion that sums everything up and leaves your reader thinking about what you wrote after they read it! A good literary analysis essay should leave readers questioning their own opinions on the work as well as helping them understand different perspectives.
